
4825 JokeQ: What did the apple say to the worm? A: 11 x 1120.11.2016
4828 JokeWhat should you put on the tomb stone of a mathematician?10 x 1018.11.2016
4827 JokeAnton, do you think I’m a bad mother? 11 x 1110.11.2016
4847 JokeA blind man walks into a bar. 12 x 1204.11.2016
4855 JokeMy wife and I were happy for twenty years. 10 x 1002.11.2016
4854 JokeYou're not fat, you're just... 11 x 1131.10.2016
4851 JokeI say no to alcohol, 12 x 1225.10.2016
4848 JokeWhat kind of shoes do ninjas wear? 10 x 1023.10.2016
4846 JokeYou kill vegetarian vampires with 12 x 1221.10.2016
4841 JokeHow do you know the ocean greets you? 10 x 1016.10.2016
4824 JokeI was really depressed for about two years. I finally went to ...10 x 1008.10.2016