
12405 JokeQ. Why do the French like to eat snails so much? A. 12 x 1211.04.2018
10746 JokeGuy walks into a bar and orders a fruit punch. Bartender says ...12 x 1205.03.2018
10742 JokeTwo men meet on opposite sides of a river. One shouts to the ...10 x 1025.02.2018
10739 JokeSo what if I don't know what Armageddon means? 12 x 1219.02.2018
10736 JokeI poured root beer in a square glass. 11 x 1113.02.2018
10733 JokeWhy don’t skeletons watch scary movies? 12 x 1207.02.2018
10730 JokeWhat do baby kangaroos wear when it’s cold out? 10 x 1001.02.2018
10727 JokeWhat did one shark say to the other as he ate a clownfish? 11 x 1126.01.2018
10724 JokeWhat do you call a snowman on a hot day? 9 x 916.01.2018
10717 JokeHow did the hipster burn his mouth? 12 x 1202.01.2018
10715 JokeWhen is a doctor most annoyed? 10 x 1027.12.2017
10711 JokeA man is walking in the desert with his horse and his dog when ...12 x 1219.12.2017
10546 JokeHorse walks into a bar. Bartender says, 12 x 1222.11.2017
9144 JokeDoctor: You're overweight. Patient: I think I want a second ...12 x 1208.10.2017
9131 JokeWhat do you call a bear with no teeth? -- 12 x 1214.09.2017
8258 JokeWhat are a shark’s two most favorite words? - 11 x 1131.07.2017
8252 JokeWhat do you get when you wake up on a workday and realize you ran ...11 x 1121.07.2017
7522 JokeTwo years ago I asked the girl of my dreams on a date, today I ...12 x 1204.06.2017
7519 JokeWhen I look at chocolate, I hear two voices in my head. The ...12 x 1229.05.2017
7065 JokeQ: If you have 13 apples in one hand and 10 oranges in the other, ...9 x 925.04.2017