
10706 RiddleWhat is more useful when it is broken? 10 x 1011.12.2017
10701 RiddleWhat has many keys, but can't even open a single door? 10 x 1003.12.2017
10700 QuoteEuripides: Friends show their love 12 x 1201.12.2017
10546 JokeHorse walks into a bar. Bartender says, 12 x 1222.11.2017
10545 QuoteConnie Stevens: Nothing you wear is more important 12 x 1220.11.2017
9157 QuoteWilliam Shakespeare: No legacy is so rich 10 x 1003.11.2017
9155 RiddleWhat falls but does not break, and what breaks but does not fall? 12 x 1230.10.2017
9149 RiddleI have a head but no body, a heart but no blood. Just leaves and ...10 x 1018.10.2017
9146 RiddlePeople buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I? 12 x 1212.10.2017
9144 JokeDoctor: You're overweight. Patient: I think I want a second ...12 x 1208.10.2017
9143 RiddleWhat is it something that you always have but you always leave ...10 x 1007.10.2017
9140 RiddleWhat never asks questions but is always answered?11 x 1130.09.2017
9137 RiddleThis old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has not ...10 x 1024.09.2017
9134 RiddleWhat has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, ...9 x 918.09.2017
9131 JokeWhat do you call a bear with no teeth? -- 12 x 1214.09.2017
9130 RiddleThere was a plane crash every single person died. Who survived? 12 x 1212.09.2017
9127 RiddleWhat begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? 10 x 1006.09.2017
9087 QuoteJ. R. R. Tolkien: You can only come to the morning 11 x 1103.09.2017
8271 QuoteLeonardo da Vinci: Learning 12 x 1222.08.2017
8269 RiddleWhat is more useful when it is broken? 9 x 920.08.2017