
8259 QuoteA. A. Milne: Some people care too much. 14 x 1402.08.2017
8258 JokeWhat are a shark’s two most favorite words? - 11 x 1131.07.2017
8257 RiddleQ: What kind of room has no doors or windows? A: 10 x 1029.07.2017
8256 QuoteThomas Paine: The real man s20 x 2027.07.2017
8254 RiddleQ: What is the last thing you take off before bed? A: 13 x 1325.07.2017
8255 Joke- Does your horse smoke? - No. - 16 x 1625.07.2017
8253 QuoteSoren Kierkegaard: Life can only be understood backwards;15 x 1523.07.2017
8252 JokeWhat do you get when you wake up on a workday and realize you ran ...11 x 1121.07.2017
8251 RiddleQ: Can you name the two days starting with T besides Tuesday and ...13 x 1319.07.2017
8250 QuoteOscar Wilde: Experience is simply 15 x 1517.07.2017
8249 JokeI asked my daughter if she’d seen my newspaper. She told me that ...13 x 1315.07.2017
8248 RiddleQ: What has a neck but no head? A: 10 x 1013.07.2017
8247 QuoteHeraclitus: There is nothing permanent 10 x 1011.07.2017
8246 JokeQ: Why couldn't the leopard play hide and seek? A: 14 x 1409.07.2017
8245 RiddleQ: What has eighty-eight keys but can’t open a single door? A: 9 x 907.07.2017
8244 QuoteMarcus Tullius Cicero: What then is freedom? 14 x 1405.07.2017
8243 JokeQ: Why did the witches' team lose the baseball game? A: 13 x 1303.07.2017
7536 QuoteEleanor Roosvelt: We are afraid to care too much, 15 x 1524.06.2017
7535 JokeQ: How many times could old Noah go fishing? A: 14 x 1422.06.2017
7534 RiddleWhat is it that no man ever yet did see which never was but ...12 x 1220.06.2017