
9129 QuoteFranklin D. Roosevelt: When you reach the end of your rope, 13 x 1310.09.2017
9128 JokeI am a nobody, 15 x 1508.09.2017
9127 RiddleWhat begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? 10 x 1006.09.2017
9126 QuoteErnest Hemingway: But man is not made for defeat. 15 x 1504.09.2017
9087 QuoteJ. R. R. Tolkien: You can only come to the morning 11 x 1103.09.2017
8274 JokeMy wife told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo. 14 x 1428.08.2017
8273 QuoteSamuel Beckett: Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. 15 x 1526.08.2017
8272 JokeIf we shouldn’t eat at night, 16 x 1624.08.2017
8271 QuoteLeonardo da Vinci: Learning 12 x 1222.08.2017
8269 RiddleWhat is more useful when it is broken? 9 x 920.08.2017
8270 JokeMy car horn now sounds like gunshots. 18 x 1820.08.2017
8268 QuoteMaimonides: The risk of a wrong decision is preferable 13 x 1318.08.2017
8267 JokeDo I lose when the police officer says 14 x 1416.08.2017
8266 RiddleWhat comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a ...11 x 1114.08.2017
8265 QuoteRay Bradbury: Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and15 x 1512.08.2017
8263 RiddleWhat has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs? 9 x 910.08.2017
8264 JokeWhat did one plate say to his friend? - 13 x 1310.08.2017
8262 QuoteHonore de Balzac: Love is 12 x 1208.08.2017
8261 JokeWhy are ghost such bad liars? 15 x 1506.08.2017
8260 RiddleQ: A man was cleaning the windows of a 25 story building. He ...13 x 1304.08.2017