
60796 JokeAnton,do you think I m a bad mother? 14 x 1408.04.2024
60795 Jokewhat are hot dogs called in winter? called in winter 15 x 1508.04.2024
55181 Other ...14 x 1415.09.2023
51014 JokeWhat do you call two ants sharing a slice of pizza in Italy?15 x 1513.02.2023
50716 OtherWe are going to read about...15 x 1525.01.2023
48871 Otherwhat do we?15 x 1524.10.2022
45245 OtherFood15 x 1518.04.2022
41706 QuoteSlovak proverb15 x 1518.10.2021
40800 OtherSomething that Shaggy said.15 x 1528.08.2021
34619 Other,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14 x 1606.12.2020
32639 OtherGame or Challenge fish12 x 2303.09.2020
28805 OtherYou'll know when you've finished this word search when the ...15 x 1531.03.2020
25134 RiddleWhat is home? 15 x 1516.10.2019
19964 RiddleI am as light as a feather and as tall as the Colosseum, but 1000 ...15 x 1502.05.2019
15742 OtherI was in in the................................. I was barely ...20 x 1509.12.2018
12440 JokeAlways borrow money from a pessimist. 14 x 1420.06.2018
12439 QuoteEpictetus: We have two ears and one mouth so that 15 x 1518.06.2018
12437 JokeQ. Why did the PowerPoint Presentation cross the road? A. 13 x 1314.06.2018
12436 QuoteRudyard Kipling: Words are, of course, the 14 x 1412.06.2018
12433 QuotePaulo Coleho: You have to take risks. We will only understand 17 x 1706.06.2018